National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the new way of providing individualised support for people with an impairment or condition that is likely to be a permanent or a developmental delay that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities.
NDIS Calculator
Wentworth Healthcare developed a free online NDIS Support Calculator, to make it easier for participants, health professionals and providers to identify appropriate services for a potential NDIS participant to receive through an individualised funding package.
You can use the calculator to select a range of support services suitable for a potential NDIS participant, and the tool will calculate the annual cost of each item (by hours per the week), and then let you to print the results to assist in discussions with your NDIS planner.
We believe this tool may be useful for eligible participant pre-planning, funded participant review, or to advise what NDIS supports are available.
Try the NDIS Support Calculator or download the brochure (pdf, 1.4mb).

National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
While the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the name of the scheme. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the independent agency responsible for implementing the NDIS.
The role of the NDIA vs the role of the GP
The role of the GP is to field questions from patients and help explain the scheme. GPs may also be asked by a patient to provide evidence to support a request to access the NDIS. This may include completing part of the Access Request Form or documenting that the person has or is likely to have a permanent disability or providing functional capacity reports or assessments.
The role of the NDIA is to determine eligibility, assesses needs and works with the successful applicants to plan and organise the services they will receive.
More Information
See Information about the NDIS for GPs and health professionals. The access checklist on the NDIS website also provides more information on access requirements. Also see NDIS information in other languages.
Contact the NDIS on or 1800 800 110 (8am to 11pm Monday to Friday).
For people with hearing or speech loss: TTY 1800 555 677
Speak and listen: 1800 555 727
For people who need help with English: TIS 131 450
The NDIS Nepean Blue Mountains PHN professional support contact for GPs and allied health professionals is our Mental Health Intake Officer 02 4708 8100.