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Upcoming Webinars and Online Training

COVID-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 Vaccine Training

The Department of Health, in partnership with the Australian College of Nursing, has released two COVID-19 vaccination training modules available for free to all authorised vaccination providers. Vaccination providers must have already undertaken routine immunisation training, and have the authority to administer vaccinations in their state. Training is also available for non-clinical and administration staff, which covers information regarding handling, storage and administrative reporting. Further information is available on the Department of Health website.

AIR Education for Vaccination Providers

The Australian Immunisation Register Amendment (Reporting) Bill 2020 means that recognised vaccination providers must report information relating to vaccinations they administer, and vaccines they are notified about that were given outside Australia, to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). The Department of Human services has published five Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) eLearning education modules to help vaccination providers understand how to access and use the AIR website and record vaccination events. It will be mandatory for COVID-19 vaccinations to be recorded on the AIR. 

Past Education

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Telehealth online learning for practice nurses

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